Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Anzac Day Weekend

Floorboards were continued over the Anzac Day weekend… starting to come together now… the joins seem to be a fair amount of work…

IMG_5137 The upstairs loft floor is looking pretty good. The stair well in the middle killed productivity as we were going well with a bit of a rhythm with two of us working on the boards… but the stairwell made it a lot of stop start! The ‘rules’ for laying floorboards sound easy in concept but was very complex as we never seemed to have the right lengths:

  • Boards need to be min 20cm long
  • Adjacent joins need to be at least 40cm away from the last one (don’t ask how the 20cm board one works on that?)
  • Need a 8-12mm gap for expansion on each side

IMG_5131 We drove down to the bottom of the valley (still on the property) and I had the zoom camera so managed to find the house in amongst the trees.


The kids tuckered Batman out. Gavin tuckered us out totally! How does Nora do it???

We played Jenga and Fact or Fishy in the evening with the kids and even tried to give them a taste of a camp fire by barbequing over a fire… sausages, onions and kebabs.IMG_5303

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