- Undercoat the upstairs plasterboard walls
- Undercoat the two end walls
- Undercoat the wet rooms (but wait till tiler goes through)
- Undercoat any architraves missed
- Stairs (putty, one more coat of CFP, stain and another coat of CFP)
- Liming ceiling panels
- Sanding and then Coat of Ebony Sikkens on balustrades
- Paint architraves and skirting (2 coats)
- Paint walls
- Prime and Spray paint internal doors and original front door
- Coat double doors with 'something' (TBD)
- Floor boards installation
- Stain (and oil? ) steps
- Putty and Oiling the rest of the wooden bits
I really want to get it done before Easter 2010 but it's not looking likely at this stage...