Sunday, 31 January 2010

As at end of January 2010...

Next time we may get around to staining the steps to match the rest of the deck. This is the "before" shot... It looks pretty good from this perspective!
The dam now has some plants in it. Some from ebay and some from our pond in the garden. Let's see if the wading in and planting will take effect and still be there the next time we go up.
Still to go for us to complete:
- Undercoat the upstairs plasterboard walls
- Undercoat the two end walls
- Undercoat the wet rooms (but wait till tiler goes through)
- Undercoat any architraves missed
- Stairs (putty, one more coat of CFP, stain and another coat of CFP)
- Liming ceiling panels
- Sanding and then Coat of Ebony Sikkens on balustrades
- Paint architraves and skirting (2 coats)
- Paint walls
- Prime and Spray paint internal doors and original front door
- Coat double doors with 'something' (TBD)
- Floor boards installation
- Stain (and oil? ) steps
- Putty and Oiling the rest of the wooden bits

I really want to get it done before Easter 2010 but it's not looking likely at this stage...

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