The upstairs loft area has had all the ceiling panels oiled now with two coats.
We're thinking of doing the stairs in a different colour but this time we'll be doing samples on bits of offcut to see how we go. I don't look forward to sanding back the balustrades so hope by putting another coat of something we can salvage it? Somehow I doubt we can get away with the easy option
We do have POWER! The solar panels seem to be doing a great job... but then what would I know? Although Will keeps telling me how many volts we have (I still have no idea what it means and it's bringing back bad memories of Physics... P=I x V etc)
The inverter sits under the stairs. The first time we turned it on I was "Oh my god, I can't live with that noise" but it only lasted minutes and then it was silent (or quiet enough that I didn't notice it). Apparently it's when the fan turns on so may be noisy if it gets hot.
The Kitchen. One day it may actually be OK. Return my call Damian!!

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